Essential book collection for Aerospace Engineers

Have you ever thought: “How does that airplane stay in the air?” or “What keeps a satellite into orbit?” If you are interested in aircraft or space exploration, chances are that you are very interested in these type of questions. Of course, Google is your friend for short explanations. But what if you want in depth information and become an expert on these topics. As an Aerospace Engineering student myself, here you can find a summary of all books I own and still use on a daily basis. (These books are all part of the curriculum of Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology.)

The basics

I know, boring but vital….To be able to understand the books that we will discuss later in this article. It is important to have a strong mathematical and physics background. If you struggle on one of these topics, here are some books explanaing all the basics to master Aerospace related topics.

Regarding mathematics, Calculus by James Stewart is the most complete version. But any other book is definetly enough to learn and understand the basics.

For physics, I recommend “Physics for scientists and engineers with Modern Physics vol.1”. All topics related to aerospace engineering are covered, it includes a large collection of exercises and even an online exercise webpage using Mastering Physics. Just click on the image below to buy from

Introductory books

If you are looking for a place to start (once you understand the basics), then definetly buy the book “Introduction to Flight” (link below). Why? Well, it is not fludded with formulas etc. It contains some history, pictures and the writing style is way more casual then most engineering books. Also, it pretty cheap so definetly worth checking out!


Remember that question in the beginning? “Why do these steel birds stay up in the sky?” Short answer: aerodynamics dude! Yeah, no pressure (inside joke) but aerodynamics is a fundamental topic in aviation and space exploration. You cannot name yourself an aerospace engineer without some knowledge and understanding on this topic. The standard book, used in most universities around the world is linked below! Go grab it by clicking on the book below.

Flight and Orbital Mechanics

This is not an easy topic, but very rewarding once you understand it thoroughly. Flight Mechanics is about undertanding how an aircraft can execute manoeuvres. Orbital Mechanics is just that, but than for satellites and space probes. Now, what books do I recommend? Have a look into these.

Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students (Aerospace Engineering)

Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics: Performance, Static Stability, Dynamic Stability, Classical Feedback Control, and State-Space Foundations (AIAA Education)

Fun extra reading material

Find your interest or inspiration.

Top 3 things in North Italy for petrol heads

Duomo Di Milano

When visiting Italy as a car fan there are a few must see locations. If you ever think about visiting Milan, these are the top 5 things to visit as a petrol head.

1. Ferrari store

Ferrari F1 simulator

Everyone loves to some of the history of the most Italian car brand in history: Ferrari. The Ferrari store shows more than just their merchandise. Take the opportunity to look at all the cars on display. And my personal recommendation: try out the F1 simulator in the basement. It is awesome for only €20!

2. Alfa Romeo auto Museum

The Alfa Romeo car museum show the broad history of the camping and it’s racing career so far. It features one of the oldest racing cars up to the very newest. My favourite car: the Alfa Romeo Disco Volante (the flying disc).


Alfa Romeo Disco Volante

3. Automotive Museum Turin

The automotive museum (Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile) is listed as one of the worlds best automotive museums in the world!


The museum hosts and narrative way of explaining the history of the automotive industry. It connects historical moments with the vehicles that were made and built for the purposes of that time. This is unique for automotive museums, normally they only show cars with a certain amount of info such as the engine, building year etc. While at the automotive museum of Turin takes you on to a journey through history. The most memorable exposition in the museum is the Formula 1 racing exposition. Here you can see all the REAL vehicles that participated in the first formula 1 Grand Prix untill the last. It was an amazing experience! Make sure when you visit Turin this museum is on your bucket list. You will be well entertainend on your own, but what also your whole family will be entertained.

One of the most beautiful flights within Europe

Because of my Erasmus exchange studies in Turin, Italy. I often travel between Turin and Belgium. Here I give you some info on flights between Belgium or Netherlands and Turin and which one is best for you.

Ryanair is by far the best value for money travel option.’

Ryanair might have a reputation of not offering the best flight experience. But for very cheap prices. The flight tickets between Belgium and Turin can be as low as €9. With an upper limit of around €40 for a single flight. It might not be the most comfortable, but remind yourself that this flight only takes 1 hour and 20 minutes. For that time (at least for me as a student) it is a very easy choice to make. Fact: Ryanair is one of Europe’s safest flight operators with the lowest aircraft failures per 1 million flights. If you thus rather spend that money during your holidays on a few fancy restaurant dinners, Ryanair is the best alternative compared to Brussels Airlines or KLM.

‘The best flight experience is from Brussels Airlines’

If you have the money to spend. Or really are bounded to the Zaventem airport in Brussel. Flying with Brussels airlines under sub-operator CityJet will offer you one of the most beautiful sights you will ever experience during a flight in Europe. This you can clearly see in the pictures below. The mountains offer from December till March a beautiful ski resort. All-in daytrips can be booked in the city center. They will take you to the ski resort and provide you of the necessary gear.

The view of Turin with the mountains in the background
The CityJet aircraft: CRJ900

Fact: smaller jet aircraft fly lower to the ground than normal airliners. This is only due to regulations since personal jets often fly above the airliner traffic.

Who’s is behind the blog?

An aerospace engineering student from Delft University of Technology.

The reason of starting this blog is rather simple: I love to share my interests in Engineering and Science with the world. I always found sharing my stories and findings fun. It satisfies me to see when someone learned an interesting fact.

Why you should read this blog ?

  • Because it keeps you updated on all sorts of engineering and science facts.
  • Because it will help the reader to form his or her own opinions on new studies.
  • Because this blog provides the reader with an insight on the student life and interest of an Aerospace Engineering student.

Outline of what this blog will contain.

  • Science and engineering topics as well as discussions.
  • Entrepreneurship ideas and discussion.
  • Technology facts.
  • Recommendations for technology, science or engineering fans.

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